This blog is about the many things of interest to me – from photography, jewellery making, my garden, walking, the natural world and the English Lake District.
More varied than any landscape was the landscape in the sky, with islands of gold and silver, peninsulas of apricot and rose against a background of many shades of turquoise and azure.Cecil Beaton
The sky in the top JPEG version was blown and an unpleasant colour. RAW development improved the sky, lifted dark areas and allowed better differentiation between the colours in the landscape.
I don’t have much to tell you these days, as my husband has been poorly and his treatment and recovery have been a dominating feature in our lives for the moment. But as I’ve been restricted to home for a while, I have been tinkering with various cameras and images and we managed to get away to the Lake District in June, so I’ll just post a gallery of recent images below.
I posted last time that I’d got a new Panasonic pocket camera and was tinkering with that, but since then, my lovely little DSLR has died and probably can’t be repaired economically, so I’m on the look out for a second hand one eventually, as it was just ideal for me. In the meantime however, I’ve added a larger bridge camera to my collection and am looking forward to getting to know it soon – I haven’t had opportunity to get out with it yet and frankly, it has largely rained since I got it a week ago.
I have however been playing with some images that I’d not yet published and trying different pieces of RAW image file development.
This evening shot was exposed for the sky, but it still fell a little flat compared to reality and at the expense of the foreground. Everything was improved with some localised adjustments during RAW development.
I hadn’t been happy with the results I was getting, so decided that I’m going to have to pay for a decent piece of software, so have been trying it before I pay for the full version.
I’ve been delighted with the results and some of the images in the gallery are the result of getting a decent image from a shot that initially looked lost. I do love that process of taking something that looked hopeless at the time of taking – usually because of an extensive dynamic range in the scene – and getting a nice resulting image from it.
I’ve been especially delighted with the results that I’ve been able to get from my pocket camera Considering that it has a tiny little sensor, it’s astonishing to me that I can retrieve blown cloud and sky areas, as well as lightening deep shadow areas to show hidden details, from under trees and the like. It’s a bit of a dark art and both a joy and a frustration in equal measure, but I can’t relinquish that overwhelming need to tinker with images.
I’ve published some of these photos larger than I usually do in my blog, so the pop ups when you click to view the images should be pretty much a screenful in your browser. Some originals are also perhaps a little larger than this (especially the landscapes), so if you want to enjoy more detail, right clicking the image will probably give you the option to open it in a new window or tab. If hovering over the image with your mouse produces a (+) icon, clicking it may make it larger still.
The photos below are just a selection of images that I’ve taken or worked on recently (hence the mix of seasons shown). Whilst slightly disjointed as a collection, they do pretty much represent what I like to photograph.
A favourite section amongst the trees around Tarn Hows in the English Lake District (September 2017).
It had rained hard and been stormy earlier in the day and it suddenly stopped and lifted and odd shards of sunlight glinted through gaps in the cloud. Thirlmere in the English Lake District.
I love being under trees in dappled sunlight on a hot day and this is a favourite quiet spot to stop for a picnic lunch.
Water lillies and lots of common blue damselflies at Tarn Hows in the English Lake District.
Tarn Hows in the English Lake District on a gorgeous hot sunny June afternoon.
Blea Tarn in the Langdale area of the English Lake District. The day before we’d been trying to find shade to keep cool, but this day we were glad we put coats on.
Tarn Hows in the English Lake District – the sun was out, the water lillies were in flower and the sun was warm. Life doesn’t get much better.
Walking around Tarn Hows in the English Lake District on a lovely day – we just stop on every seat to enjoy looking at the trees.
Walking around Tarn Hows in the English Lake District on a gorgeous June afternoon.
It isn’t a complete holiday until we’ve walked along the side of Windermere – it’s one of those favourite walks you do often because it has everything.
The walk along Elterwater in the English Lake District. It just started raining, so I snatched a quick photo.
One of a small family of marsh tits that visited our feeder – I don’t think I’ve knowingly seen one before. They move so fast, that they’re hard to catch – so I was glad that it paused for a moment for me.
A spectacularly clear day after a storm the day before, giving rise to good distant views over Windermere.
This blue hosta I have in the garden does form the most lovely raindrops – which I love to see on these big architectural leaves.
A favourite quite spot to stop for a brew and maybe a spot of lunch. This was an exercise in RAW file development, as it was a tricky exposure that just hadn’t worked in the in-camera JPEG.
We were delighted to be visited by a hare on several occasions, although it was only when the weather was lousy – so the light was low and the grass was blowing.
The photo isn’t sideways – this rose, which instructs you not to prune it, now flowers about 12 foot off the ground and they then flop over horizontally. I think I’m going to have to prune it after all, or I can’t enjoy the flowers at all.
We’ve had a lot of butterflies and other insects in the garden this summer and they move about so fast, that I end up with a lot of flower photos where a butterfly or insect had been.
You can see with all the tones and textures in the grass, how the hares blend in so well with their surroundings.
Thistles are the most astonishingly complicated and rather ferocious looking plants,
After a couple of visits she seemingly got used to seeing me through the window and realised she wasn’t going to come to any harm and she got more confident in her movements.
What could be prettier than a tiny spherical raindrop on the gorgeous contours of a large waxy leaf.
I’ve posted this photo before, but I re-worked this with a new piece of RAW development software and the result is significantly better.
These garden geraniums have been the most lovely delicate colour this summer.
What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness. John Steinbeck
I really haven’t had anything to say recently. Well, don’t let that lull you into thinking I’ve been silent; far from it. But I just haven’t had anything interesting to contribute recently. Certainly nothing anyone would want to read about.
But I’m feeling much more inspired after some days of early summer sunshine (and quite warm some days too), extra hours of daylight giving rise to long evenings and remembering that I love photography again. The winter with its early wetness and later cold and lack of light wasn’t one for getting out very far and I just stopped carrying my camera routinely, so didn’t have anything to show you – I haven’t taken a photograph for weeks.
I did a double take when I spotted this large red damsonfly in the garden and luckily managed a couple of photos. I’ve seen a couple of others since, they seem to visit every day,
But I’ve made up for it recently. My husband recently bought me a pocket camera – I’d had one that simply proved too large for a pocket and we found one that was much more ‘fit-for-purpose’ and I’ve reawakened my enthusiasm for photography by getting to know it properly. Unfortunately I’ve not been outside the garden much recently, so my pool of subject matter is somewhat limited. But it has been a joy to have some flowers to photograph and consequently they’ve attracted some visitors too.
The large red damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphula) shown wasn’t photographed with the new camera, but with my DSLR with my close up set up – the speed of focus and subsequently taking the shot can sometimes only be achieved with a DSLR with skittish subject matter. It still wasn’t fast enough – or at least I wasn’t – a few days later when I realised I was looking at a large chubby dragonfly at rest on one of the canes in the garden. I had my camera in my hand at the time and as I raised it to try and get a shot, it spooked and flew straight out of the garden and I’ve not seen it again since.
The lovely weather recently has given me opportunity to get my little garden into decent shape.
I’d hardly touched the garden all winter and it was in dire need of a good sort out – it was looking positively scruffy and there seemed to be piles of dead leaves everywhere. I’d lost quite a few plants with the ‘Beast from the East’ cold snap we had – plants that had previously survived several winters. But that gave me the opportunity to refresh a few spots that were looking tired and treat myself to new things instead. Because my entire garden is in pots, they don’t have the protection of much ground around their roots, so I’m surprised that I haven’t lost more over previous winters.
But thankfully the glorious weather we’ve had recently allowed me get a good run at it. I think we’ve had more nice days already in 2018 than we had all of last summer – we’ve certainly eaten out in the garden more times already than we managed last year. I really hope it continues, it’s a joy to have a leisurely weekend breakfast al fresco!
Testing the camera at full zoom:
We did escape for one evening out and a picnic – which resulted in wrestling bread and cheese inside the car as the wind was so severe it would have blown supper right down the valley. We do have a picnic rule; that if the wind is stiff enough to blow crisps off the plate, we eat inside and this certainly qualified. It was a favourite spot where we’ve spent many hours watching hares over the years, but last year we had hardly any sightings and I was worried that they were no longer resident in the area, so it was a real joy to watch them again. I saw three individuals in total. The one I photographed below got up to stretch at one point and did a large twisting leap into the air, something I’ve not seen them do before, other than when ‘boxing’.
I wanted to test the focus at distance with the new camera as it has a 30x zoom which is a 720mm equivalent focal length. It’s really frustrating to be chasing a squirrel up a tree or something and the camera failing to focus where you want. The hare shot below was a proper test in truly demanding conditions – late evening light (and through a car window) with wind blowing the grass about and an area of cow parsley in the foreground that periodically blew right in front of the scene and there was fencing and blowing reeds between me and the hare, yet the camera managed to lock and retain focus where I wanted it to and whilst some of the shots were dire for other reasons, in each case, the focus was at least on the hare. If you want to imagine the scenario, the landscape view to the right of the hare shot in the gallery is the scene – the bright green patch of grass just about in the centre of the frame is where she was and you can perhaps identify the wire fencing and patch of angled reeds. So you can see that it was a bit of a stretch for a camera that will slip into my shirt pocket.
I’ll pop my recent photographs into a gallery below, they have captions with them, should they be of any interest. I’ve enjoyed thinking about photographs again and tinkering with settings and getting to know a new camera. I’m hoping that we have a good summer and I can continue to bore you with flower and insect photos. I might even get out and about once in a while too.
We do see some fabulous sunsets in this spot – perhaps because the area to the left is heading out towards the sea.
Not a very good photo in any way as the wind was brisk to say the least, but I was happy to see hares again in this spot, we hardly saw any last spring.
I’ve taken this scene many times before, it’s one of my go to spots when testing a new camera. But the scene is slightly different every time.
The plants shown have already doubled in size since I took the photos. I can’t wait for more flowers to emerge.
These daisies are quite yellow when they open and as they grow, the outer petals get gradually paler.
I’ve been delighted to see these visiting large red damselfly in the garden this spring. I think I’ve identified 3 different individuals.
A new plant in the garden, a Ceanothus with tiny indigo florets – which are the most complicated and delicate structure.
I love how complicated the structures of flowers are once you get a bit closer for a good look.
Another ‘Crazy Daisy’. I just hope that the snails don’t love it as much as I do.
A Jacob’s Ladder that has just come in to flower – I think they’re the first flowers of my own to emerge this year.
I love daisies and this is a new one I treated myself to, called a Crazy Daisy.
A blue hosta that I added last year and it’s already massive this year. I love the abstract of the shapes they form.
I have a couple of gorgeous hostas and thankfully this year, the snails haven’t done much damage and it’s looking fabulous.
I loved the colour of this flower, but I didn’t read that it was early flowering, so it looks like it’s done now until next year.
A female large red damselfly that has visited me a few times now and it’s a delight to see.
My garden is very green still, but there will be a lot more colour shortly.
I’m dying to see what this hosta flower looks like, it didn’t flower last year and it’s a massive bud!
I only went out to bring in the wheelie bin and was rewarded by a spectacular display of raindrops.
I’ve always loved photographing raindrops on leaves and this blue hosta is especially good at presenting them for me.
I seem to have waited a long time for this clematis bud to open, but I think it’ll be worth the wait.
A tiny little emerging hosta leaf has trapped several little raindrops.
This plant is called Physocarpus opulifolius [ninebark] ‘Dart’s Gold’ and gets a fabulous flush of these domes of tiny blossom, unfortunately, there’s only one flowering and it’s all over too soon.
I do love hoverflies – this plant Dart’s Gold has a mass of these domes of tiny white flowers and insects just love it.
I watched this hoverfly for some time and he methodically worked from one bloom to the next.
Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone.
Charles M. Schulz
Looking at the date of my last post I’m mortified at how tardy I have been lately. I have hundreds of photographs downloaded to work through and some are still in the camera – I really hope that I might get some free time off over Christmas to look through them and add to my gallery.
Beaded snowflake decorations, which can be removed from the ribbon and worn as a pendant,
I haven’t exactly been idle though, I’ve recently been making some beaded snowflakes to thank my wonderful customers for their very valued support during 2017. I will be giving away a hand crafted beaded snowflake decoration on all orders over £18.
The snowflakes have been made by me using some of the fantastic new shapes of beads and each one – just like a real snowflake – is different. They come on a loop of silver ribbon to allow it to be hung as a festive decoration. But if the ribbon is removed, they have an oval silver plated jump ring which will allow it to be worn as a festive pendant on your own chain. They have been stitched robustly with the best quality of [almost] unbreakable beading thread and will last you a lifetime.
Beaded star earrings in icy colours and hanging on Sterling silver earwires.
I also have a limited number of beaded star earrings, with Sterling silver earwires which I will give away with orders over £60. Each pair of earrings is also different.
Both items will be sent out whilst stocks last or until the last Christmas postings.
Whilst thinking about how to present the gifts to customers, I got myself totally engrossed in making some of my own digital papers for making boxes. I blogged some time ago about how I never even knew that there was such a beast as ‘digital paper’ – the concept was totally alien to me at the time.
Free collection of 3 high resolution digital paper designs with a Christmas theme.
But since then, I started tinkering with my own designs – in conjunction with more digital drawing for the work I do with my Silhouette cutting machine – the two disciplines are symbiotic skills. It reminded me lately of how I used to do seamless repeating background graphics for web pages – when they were rather more fashionable – and the papers use many of the same techniques I used some years ago.
All of these designs are totally unique to me – each element has been digitally drawn and used to create seamless papers that you can print out for use on your own personalprojects. More details and a download link below.
Boo’s FREE Christmas digital paper collection 2017
I’ve been creating some new and entirely original digital papers on a Christmas theme and am making this small collection of 3 papers available for a FREE download. There are 3 high res JPEG images included of Christmas themed digital papers, that can be printed out on your own printer, up to 12″ (300mm) square at 300dpi – or even larger if required.
The file is 10.7MB in size and comes as a zipped collection. Please familiarise yourself with the content of the Read Me file included which outlines your rights to use the files freely for personal use, but requires a paid licence for any form of commercial use that will result in financial gain.
I hope you enjoy using the designs, I have more to follow and I’d love to see what you use them for.
Everyone likes birds. What wild creature is more accessible to our eyes and ears, as close to us and everyone in the world, as universal as a bird?
David Attenborough
We managed to get a lovely two week break in the English lake District in June and I’ve been spending the time since in catching up the backlog of orders and trying to get some of my pieces remade to replenish shop stock.
Consequently, I haven’t yet had time to work through my photographs from that fortnight, although I’m looking forward to doing so. If truth be told, I haven’t worked on the last batch from September yet either, so may well publish a gallery featuring images from both, when I do get to it. For the first few days we were away, we were in the middle of the really hot spell mid-June and our decisions of where to go and what to do were determined by finding shade and a bit of a breeze.
The local heron’s favourite roost after breakfast to do some preening and let his meal settle.
One of the perils of staying in a static caravan, which is something we truly love for a variety of reasons, is that being a tin can with modest insulation, they much reflect the outside temperature and it can change much more rapidly than it does in a brick or stone house. And whilst in the hot sun most of the day, it ends up like being inside a roasting tin, so we did spend as much time out and about as practical over those few very hot days. But once the garden was in the shade of the caravan itself in an evening, the nearby river and trees made it absolutely delightful.
The first photographs I have worked on are some wildlife images, although it’s also true to say that they’re not stunning quality either. We had several lovely evening visits by wildlife – from an unusual group of 5 red deer hinds, who only appeared at dusk on two evenings when it was absolutely torrential rain, a green woodpecker who roosted in a nearby dead tree – which is an absolute magnet for birds of all types and is the focus of much of our bird watching.
The Great Spotted Woodpecker youngster waited to be fed. He was actually perfectly capable of feeding himself, which he happily did when no one was watching.
We were also visited regularly by a family of Great Spotted Woodpeckers. Mum was very timid, but when Dad was on duty, he was more tolerant of my taking photos and junior didn’t seem to even notice us.
The red deer, shown in the gallery below was taken on a digicam which doesn’t have the image quality of my DSLR, but does have more than twice the focal length – which was necessary on this occasion. It was actually significantly darker to the eye than it looks in the photo, which was taken just before 10pm on a truly miserable day and the shutter speed was only 1/8 second, through a window, although I did use a tripod and the self-timer to minimise camera movement.
The green woodpecker also came well after 9pm as that was obviously her bed time. She would land on the dead tree, considerately calling loudly as she arrived, to alert us and then she’d spend at least 15 minutes very still on the trunk, just leaning back and looking around. Once she was happy with the situation, she’d rapidly scurry around the trunk and pop into her bed chamber. Some nights she wasn’t happy and she’d fly off, occasionally to return later, some nights preferring another roost.
One evening she took to her bed and I was washing up at a window immediately in-line with the tree and she started making a real din, screeching and calling from within her roost and on looking up I saw a tawny owl land on a side branch of the tree, looking directly at me. The green woodpecker obviously knew he was there and vocalised her objection, at which the owl took off and she left her roost and we never saw her again after that – she must have decided that it was no longer the des res she had thought.
The only way I could capture any of her activity, due to the late hour and distance from me, was to use my superzoom digicam on video mode, which for some reason gave much better results than still shots, so the photos below of her are still frames from videos I shot. If I can fathom out the best way to post some video here (the files are HD and rather large) I’ll add those too, as her rapid disappearance into her hole is well worth seeing.
Lake District Gallery:
I’ll add to this gallery as I work on suitable images – so for now, this is just a start with a few wildlife photographs. More to follow.
A party of 5 red deer hinds (only 3 visible here) who came down to feed late one evening in torrential rain.
A green woodpecker visited late each evening to roost in a dead tree. Here she’s about to pop into her bed chamber.
A green woodpecker visited late in an evening to roost in a dead tree. She spent some considerable time looking around before retiring.
Great spotted woodpeckers – Dad feeds the youngster on a nearby tree stump.