The unmistakable signs of late summer
Fruits ripen, seeds drip, the hours of day and night are balanced. Mabon Sabbat and Lore
This is a time of year that I both love and find a little sad too. That point where the unmistakable signs appear that summer is drawing to a close and autumn is chasing its heels. It’s sad because you know the long evenings are rapidly vanishing and there will now be more night than day and yet it’s still a beautiful time of year.
Each period of the year has its own merits and I do so love to observe that cyclical rhythm of nature doing its thing. As summer wanes, plants put forth their seeds and berries and animals and insects use the opportunity to feed up for the forthcoming winter. Consequently, the hedgerows are full of those fabulous later summer structures full of summer energy ready to fuel a new generation. This colourful display is full of warmth and vibrancy and stunning natural structures, just as beautiful as the flowers that precede them.
Recent work in a new material:
I recently discovered a new brand of base metal clays from Australia – the appropriately named Aussie Metal Clay, only recently put on the market in the UK, which I have thoroughly enjoyed working with. I intend to do a more detailed blog on working with the product, as there is little information out there yet, but I have one or two issues to resolve for myself first.
When I look at new materials or techniques, I often do a lot of research and reading to formulate a good idea of the features of the product to see if it will be suitable for my needs – this is very often blog articles from fellow users who kindly share their experiences. Consequently, as this product doesn’t feature very much yet, I want to write some more about it and my own findings from making several pieces with it, to make my own contribution for fellow artisans.
In the meantime, in the gallery below are a few of the new pieces I have made with a couple of the medium fire base metal clays from Aussie Metal Clay to give you an idea of its capability, but I intend to write much more specifics in a future post. [Article now written and the links above take you to it.]
Metal clay gallery: